12 Python Error Examples You Need to Master🛠️

Bulletproof Your Code ⚙️


Mastering exception handling is essential for building stable Python programs, especially in AI.

This post covers 12 different exceptions like TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError, and more.

Learn how to prevent errors from crashing your AI models and ensure smooth, error-free performance.


What You’ll Learn

  • Common Python error types and why they occur

  • Practical examples of handling exceptions using try and except

  • How exception handling applies to AI and real-world projects


Step-by-Step: 12 Python Exception Handling Examples


1. ValueError: Invalid Input

A ValueError occurs when you pass the right type but an inappropriate value, like when converting a string that isn't a number.



    age = int(input("Enter your age: "))

except ValueError:

    print("Please enter a valid number!")

Invalid Input

Valid Input

2. ZeroDivisionError: Dividing by Zero

Trying to divide by zero raises a ZeroDivisionError.

You can handle this to ensure your AI models don’t fail.



    result = 10 / 0

except ZeroDivisionError:

    print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed!")


Division by zero is not allowed!


3. FileNotFoundError: Missing Files

Trying to access a file that doesn’t exist can break your AI model.

Handle this error for smoother file operations.



    file = open("dataset.csv", "r")

except FileNotFoundError:

    print("Error: File not found!")

File not found!

4. TypeError: Type Mismatch

Operations on incompatible data types, like adding a string to a number, result in TypeError.



    result = "5" + 10

except TypeError:

    print("You cannot add a string and a number.")


Type Mismatch

5. IndexError: Accessing Non-Existent List Elements 

Accessing an index that doesn’t exist in a list throws an IndexError.

Useful when AI models process datasets stored as lists.



    items = [1, 2, 3]


except IndexError:

    print("Error: List index out of range!")


IndexError: Index is only from 0 to 2


6. KeyError: Non-Existent Dictionary Keys

In AI projects, dictionaries are common for storing data.

Accessing a non-existent key throws a KeyError.



    data = {'name': 'AI Bot'}


except KeyError:

    print("Error: The key does not exist!")

KeyError: Key ‘age’ does not exist!

7. AttributeError: Missing Object Attributes

Trying to access an attribute or method that doesn’t exist results in an AttributeError.


class AIModel:

    def init(self):

        self.name = "AI Model"


model = AIModel()



except AttributeError:

    print("Error: Attribute does not exist!")

Attribute ‘version’ does not exist!


8. ImportError: Importing Non-Existent Modules

Sometimes, you'll misspell or misname a module while importing it, causing an ImportError.



    import tensorflowf

except ImportError:

    print("Error: The module is not available!")


Module tensorflowf does not exists!


9. OverflowError: Exceeding Maximum Value for Numeric Types

An OverflowError occurs when an operation produces a value too large to handle, often in calculations involving large datasets in AI.


import math


    result = math.exp(1000)  # Exceeds maximum float value

except OverflowError:

    print("Error: Number is too large!")


Number is too large


10. IOError: Input/Output Operation Failures

While reading or writing to a file, if an I/O operation fails, Python raises an IOError.



    with open("output.txt", "w") as file:

        file.write("Hello AI!")

except IOError:

    print("Error: File I/O operation failed!")


11. RuntimeError: General Runtime Issues

A RuntimeError occurs when an issue arises that doesn't fall under other specific categories.



    raise RuntimeError("Runtime error occurred!")

except RuntimeError as e:

    print(f"Error: {e}")



12. SyntaxError: Incorrect Python Syntax

If there’s a typo in your code, Python raises a SyntaxError.

Although you can’t catch it in try-except, it's vital to avoid.



    eval('x === 10')  # Invalid syntax

except SyntaxError:

    print("Error: Invalid syntax in your code!")





In this post, we covered 12 types of errors that can occur in Python and how to handle them.

These examples are crucial for ensuring your AI models and Python programs are robust and resilient.

Whether you’re dealing with invalid inputs, missing files, or runtime issues, exception handling can save your code from crashing and make debugging easier.


Final Thoughts


Errors are inevitable, but handling them gracefully makes all the difference between a broken program and a resilient one.

By mastering exception handling, you ensure your Python AI models run smoothly even when the unexpected happens.

Stay tuned for more advanced error-handling techniques in future posts!


Happy coding! 🎉

Let’s Inspire Future AI Coders Together! ☕


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