➡️Build Your Fun Olympics Leaderboard Now! 🏅🚀


Continuing our Olympic-themed projects, let’s dive into creating a fun and interactive leaderboard for the current Olympics using PySimpleGUI.

This project will allow users to view and update the standings, making it an engaging way to track the progress of your favourite athletes and countries.

Let’s get started!


Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

First, ensure you have PySimpleGUI installed. If you haven’t installed it yet, use the following command:

pip install pysimplegui


Step 2: Import the Required Libraries

Begin by importing the necessary libraries.

import PySimpleGUI as sg


Step 3: Create the GUI Layout

We'll create a simple layout that includes a table to display the leaderboard, and inputs to add or update entries.


layout = [

    [sg.Text('Olympics Leaderboard', font=('Helvetica', 16))],



        headings=['Country', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'],








    [sg.Text('Country:'), sg.InputText(key='-COUNTRY-')],

    [sg.Text('Gold:'), sg.InputText(key='-GOLD-')],

    [sg.Text('Silver:'), sg.InputText(key='-SILVER-')],

    [sg.Text('Bronze:'), sg.InputText(key='-BRONZE-')],

    [sg.Button('Add/Update'), sg.Button('Exit')]



window = sg.Window('Olympics Leaderboard', layout)

The Layout

Step 4: Initialize Leaderboard Data

We'll create a dictionary to store the leaderboard data. Each country will have a list of medal counts.

leaderboard = {}


Step 5: Add Event Handling

We'll add an event loop to handle user interactions. The loop will handle adding and updating entries in the leaderboard.


while True:

    event, values = window.read()


    if event sg.WIN_CLOSED or event 'Exit':



    if event == 'Add/Update':

        country = values['-COUNTRY-']

        gold = int(values['-GOLD-'])

        silver = int(values['-SILVER-'])

        bronze = int(values['-BRONZE-'])


        if country:

            leaderboard[country] = [gold, silver, bronze]

            data = [[country] + leaderboard[country] for country in leaderboard]





Step 6: Run the App

Put everything together and run your app. Here’s the complete code:


import PySimpleGUI as sg


layout = [

    [sg.Text('Olympics Leaderboard', font=('Helvetica', 16))],



        headings=['Country', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'],








    [sg.Text('Country:'), sg.InputText(key='-COUNTRY-')],

    [sg.Text('Gold:'), sg.InputText(key='-GOLD-')],

    [sg.Text('Silver:'), sg.InputText(key='-SILVER-')],

    [sg.Text('Bronze:'), sg.InputText(key='-BRONZE-')],

    [sg.Button('Add/Update'), sg.Button('Exit')]



window = sg.Window('Olympics Leaderboard', layout)


leaderboard = {}


while True:

    event, values = window.read()


    if event sg.WIN_CLOSED or event 'Exit':



    if event == 'Add/Update':

        country = values['-COUNTRY-']

        gold = int(values['-GOLD-'])

        silver = int(values['-SILVER-'])

        bronze = int(values['-BRONZE-'])


        if country:

            leaderboard[country] = [gold, silver, bronze]

            data = [[country] + leaderboard[country] for country in leaderboard]





Let’s Sum it Up!

In this post, you’ve learned how to create a fun and interactive Olympics Leaderboard using PySimpleGUI! 🏅📊

This project combined essential programming concepts with practical GUI development, showing you how to build a functional and engaging application with PySimpleGUI.

Great job, and get ready for more exciting challenges ahead!

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What’s Next? 📅

In our next post, we’ll dive into customizing the appearance of your leaderboard with PySimpleGUI themes. You’ll learn how to make your app not only functional but also visually appealing. Stay tuned and keep having fun with PySimpleGUI! 🎨✨

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