Build a User-Friendly Tech Helper in Simple Steps

Save & Load Your Custom Troubleshooting Guide

In partnership with

Tech Troubleshooting Helper

Now that you've built your Tech Troubleshooting Helper, let’s add a feature to save and load your custom problems and solutions.

This will prevent you from losing all your helpful tech tips when you close the app!

Imagine adding more issues to your guide, and every time you reopen the app, your data will still be there.

 Let’s walk through this step-by-step.

🚀 What You’ll Learn in This Post

  • File Handling: How to save your troubleshooting guide so you can keep custom problems and solutions.

  • JSON Format: A simple way to store your data for future use.

  • Loading Data: How to retrieve your saved guide and use it in the app.

  • User-Friendly Design: We’ll keep everything fun, easy, and beginner-friendly! 🌟

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Step-by-Step: How to Save and Load Your Troubleshooting Guide 💾


1. Saving Your Guide:

To save your troubleshooting guide, you’ll use JSON, which is a format for storing and sharing data.

Here’s how to do it:


  • Create a save_guide function: This function will write the current troubleshooting_guide dictionary to a file in JSON format. We’ll use json.dump() to do this.

  • Every time you add a new problem, the guide will be saved in a file called troubleshooting_guide.json.


  def save_guide(guide):

       with open('troubleshooting_guide.json', 'w') as file:

           json.dump(guide, file)



  • open('troubleshooting_guide.json', 'w'): Opens a file in write mode (`'w'`). If it doesn't exist, it creates one.

  • json.dump(guide, file): Converts the guide dictionary into JSON format and writes it to the file.


2. Loading Your Guide:

Next, you’ll need a way to load your troubleshooting guide whenever the app starts.

This means the app will automatically grab all your previously saved tech issues and display them.


  • Create a load_guide function: This function will try to load the guide from the saved file using json.load(). If no file is found (like the first time you run the app), it will load a default guide.


  def load_guide():


           with open('troubleshooting_guide.json', 'r') as file:

               return json.load(file)

       except FileNotFoundError:

           # Return a default guide if no file exists

           return {

               'Computer Running Slow': [

                   'Close unnecessary background apps',

                   'Restart your computer',

                   'Clear temporary files and cache',

                   'Check for software updates'


               'Wi-Fi Connection Issues': [

                   'Restart your modem and router',

                   'Check if you are connected to the correct Wi-Fi network',

                   'Move closer to the router',

                   'Reset your network settings'


               'Smartphone Not Charging': [

                   'Try a different charging cable or adapter',

                   'Clean the charging port carefully',

                   'Restart your smartphone',

                   'Check the charging settings or try a different power source'




  • open('troubleshooting_guide.json', 'r'): Opens the saved JSON file in read mode (`'r'`).

  • json.load(file): Loads and converts the JSON data back into a Python dictionary.

  • FileNotFoundError: If the file doesn’t exist, a default guide is returned.


3. Integrating Save and Load into Your App:

Now, integrate these functions into your existing app so that the guide is loaded when the app starts and saved when the app closes.


  • Load the guide when the app starts:

  troubleshooting_guide = load_guide()


  •  Save the guide before the app exits:



This ensures that any new problems or solutions you add during the session will be saved for next time.

Loaded Troubleshooting Guide

Saved Troubleshooting Guide

Partial Code: 📝


import json

import PySimpleGUI as sg


# Load troubleshooting guide from a file

def load_guide():


        with open('troubleshooting_guide.json', 'r') as file:

            return json.load(file)

    except FileNotFoundError:

        # Return a default guide if no file exists

        return {

            'Computer Running Slow': [

                'Close unnecessary background apps',

                'Restart your computer',

                'Clear temporary files and cache',

                'Check for software updates'


            'Wi-Fi Connection Issues': [

                'Restart your modem and router',

                'Check if you are connected to the correct Wi-Fi network',

                'Move closer to the router',

                'Reset your network settings'


            'Smartphone Not Charging': [

                'Try a different charging cable or adapter',

                'Clean the charging port carefully',

                'Restart your smartphone',

                'Check the charging settings or try a different power source'




# Save the troubleshooting guide to a file

def save_guide(guide):

    with open('troubleshooting_guide.json', 'w') as file:

        json.dump(guide, file)


# Load the troubleshooting guide

troubleshooting_guide = load_guide()


# GUI Layout

layout = [

    [sg.Text('Select a Tech Problem:')],

    [sg.Listbox(values=list(troubleshooting_guide.keys()), size=(30, 6), key='-PROBLEM-', enable_events=True)],

    [sg.Text('Suggested Steps:'), sg.Text('', key='-SOLUTION-')],

    [sg.Button('Next Step'), sg.Button('Restart'), sg.Button('Add Problem'), sg.Button('Exit')]



# Create the window

window = sg.Window('Tech Troubleshooting Helper', layout)


def troubleshoot():

    current_step = 0

    solutions = []


    while True:

        event, values =


        if event sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event 'Exit':



        if event == '-PROBLEM-':

            problem = values['-PROBLEM-'][0]

            solutions = troubleshooting_guide[problem]

            current_step = 0



        if event == 'Next Step' and solutions:

            current_step += 1

            if current_step < len(solutions):



                window['-SOLUTION-'].update('No more steps. Problem solved?')


        if event == 'Restart' and solutions:

            current_step = 0





# Start troubleshooting



# Save the guide before exiting



🌟 What You’ve Achieved

  • You learned how to save and load the tech troubleshooting guide using the JSON format.

  • You now know how to ensure your custom problems and solutions are safely stored and easily retrieved the next time you open your app.

  • You've taken another step in creating a fully functioning, user-friendly tech helper that grows as you add more data!

You're on your way to building an app that’s both practical and expandable! 🎉

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