✔️🌿 Don't Miss The New Reminder Feature Update 🌿

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🌿 Adding a Reminder Feature to Your Plant Care Guide App 🌿


In today’s post, we're going to add a reminder feature to the Plant Care Guide App we built previously.


This feature will notify users when it’s time to water or check their plants, helping them maintain optimal care without forgetting key tasks! 🌱


We’ll walk through each step, making the process simple, beginner-friendly, and, of course, fun! 🪴


Let's dive in!


Step 1: Set Up the Reminder Schedule


We’ll start by adding the option to schedule reminders for each plant.

This can be based on the watering frequency or any other care advice for the specific plant.


Code Setup:

You’ll need the datetime module to keep track of time and the threading module to run the reminder process in the background.


import datetime

import threading

import time


# Example reminder data

reminder_data = {

    'Spider Plant': {'next_water': '2024-08-12', 'frequency_days': 3},

    'Fiddle Leaf Fig': {'next_water': '2024-08-13', 'frequency_days': 7},

    # Add other plants here



Each plant will have:

  • next_water: the date the plant needs to be watered next.

  • frequency_days: how often (in days) the plant needs to be watered.


Step 2: Calculate Next Reminder


We need a function to check if today is the day the plant needs watering. If so, we trigger the reminder!


Function to Check Reminders:


def check_reminders():

    today = datetime.date.today()

    for plant, care_info in reminder_data.items():

        next_water = datetime.datetime.strptime(care_info['next_water'], '%Y-%m-%d').date()

        if today >= next_water:

            print(f"Reminder: Time to water your {plant}!")

            # Update the next watering date

            new_next_water = today + datetime.timedelta(days=care_info['frequency_days'])

            reminder_data[plant]['next_water'] = new_next_water.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')


This function does the following:

  • It checks if today matches or exceeds the next_water date for any plant.

  • If so, it prints a reminder message to the user.

  • It then updates the next watering date by adding the plant's watering frequency.


Step 3: Run the Reminder in the Background


We don’t want the reminder check to block the app or run only when the user interacts with it.

To solve this, we’ll use multithreading to run the reminder in the background.


Setting Up a Background Thread:


def start_reminder_thread():

    def reminder_loop():

        while True:


            time.sleep(86400)  # Wait for 24 hours before checking again


    reminder_thread = threading.Thread(target=reminder_loop, daemon=True)



Here, the reminder_loop checks the reminders once every 24 hours (`86400` seconds) and runs as a background thread so it doesn’t interfere with the main app.


Step 4: Integrate into the App


Now, let’s add the reminder feature into our Plant Care App!

We’ll initialise the reminder thread when the app starts, and it will run in the background without affecting the main user interface.


Modify the Main Code:


import PySimpleGUI as sg

import json

import datetime

import threading

import time


# Existing plant care data and functions here


# Initialize the reminder thread



# GUI Layout (Same as before)

layout = [

    [sg.Text('Select a Plant:')],

    [sg.Listbox(values=list(plant_care.keys()), size=(30, 6), key='-PLANT LIST-', enable_events=True)],

    [sg.Text('Light Requirements:'), sg.Text('', key='-LIGHT-')],

    [sg.Text('Watering Needs:'), sg.Text('', key='-WATER-')],

    [sg.Text('Care Tips:'), sg.Text('', key='-CARE-')],

    [sg.Button('Save'), sg.Button('Exit')]



window = sg.Window('Plant Care Guide', layout)


# Event loop

while True:

    event, values = window.read()


    if event sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event 'Exit':



    if event == '-PLANT LIST-':

        selected_plant = values['-PLANT LIST-'][0]

        care_info = plant_care[selected_plant]






Step 5: Test It Out!


Now that the reminder system is up and running, when you start the app, it will keep checking the watering schedules for each plant.

Whenever a plant’s next_water date matches the current date, a reminder will pop up, prompting the user to care for their plant.

Coding with a Smile 🤣 😂

Debugger Dance:

Getting proficient with a debugger is like mastering a complicated dance routine.

It takes practice, but once you get it, you can gracefully navigate through your code.

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What’s Next? 📅

Tech Troubleshooting Helper:

Create a troubleshooting assistant that helps users diagnose and fix common tech problems, such as computer or smartphone issues.

The app could walk users through step-by-step solutions based on their inputs.

Stay tuned! Happy plant parenting! 🌿

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