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- 🚀 Enhance Your Tech Helper Now—More Solutions!
🚀 Enhance Your Tech Helper Now—More Solutions!
Advanced Tech Advisor
Adding More Problems and Solutions Dynamically to Your Tech Troubleshooting Helper!
Now that you've built a basic version of your Tech Troubleshooting Helper, it's time to level up and make it even more powerful. 🎉
By allowing users (or you!) to add new problems and solutions dynamically, so your app can keep growing and help with even more tech issues.
In this post, I’ll guide you through how to let users add problems and their solutions easily — all while keeping the learning simple, fun, and beginner-friendly!
Step 1: Create a Way to Add New Problems and Solutions
To give users the ability to add more tech problems to your app, we'll create a simple form that lets them input a new problem and a list of possible solutions.
Think of this like a "Troubleshooting Editor"!
We'll add new input fields to the PySimpleGUI layout where users can:
Enter a problem name (like "My screen is flickering").
Input solutions (like "Check screen connection", "Update display drivers", etc.).
Here’s how the new layout will look:
layout = [
[sg.Text('Select a Tech Problem:')],
[sg.Listbox(values=list(troubleshooting_guide.keys()), size=(30, 6), key='-PROBLEM-', enable_events=True)],
[sg.Text('Suggested Steps:'), sg.Text('', key='-SOLUTION-')],
[sg.Button('Next Step'), sg.Button('Restart'), sg.Button('Exit')],
[sg.Text('Add New Problem Below')],
[sg.InputText('Problem Name', key='-NEW_PROBLEM-')],
[sg.Multiline('Enter solutions here, one per line', size=(30, 6), key='-NEW_SOLUTIONS-')],
[sg.Button('Add Problem')]
We’ve added:
A Text Input field for the new problem.
A Multiline Input for entering multiple solutions (each on a new line).
A button to Add Problem to the troubleshooting guide.
Step 2: Handle the New Problem Input
Once users fill out the new problem and solutions, we need to capture this data and update the troubleshooting_guide.
We’ll read the values from the input fields when they press the Add Problem button.
Here’s the code that processes the new problem and adds it to the guide:
def add_new_problem(values):
new_problem = values['-NEW_PROBLEM-']
new_solutions = values['-NEW_SOLUTIONS-'].split('\n')
if new_problem and new_solutions:
troubleshooting_guide[new_problem] = new_solutions
sg.popup(f'Problem "{new_problem}" added successfully!')
What’s Happening Here:
Reading the User Input: We get the problem name from
and the solutions by splitting the input text into a list (`.split('\n')`).Updating the Guide: The new problem and its solutions are added to the dictionary
.Refreshing the GUI: We update the list of problems so the user can see the newly added problem in the list box.
Popup Message: We display a success message to confirm the new problem was added.
Step 3: Integrate This Into the Main Loop
Now, we need to listen for the Add Problem button and call our add_new_problem()
function when it's clicked.
Here’s how to modify the event loop:
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event 'Exit':
if event == '-PROBLEM-':
problem = values['-PROBLEM-'][0]
current_step = 0
solutions = troubleshooting_guide[problem]
if event == 'Next Step':
current_step += 1
if current_step < len(solutions):
window['-SOLUTION-'].update('No more steps. Problem solved?')
if event == 'Restart':
current_step = 0
if event == 'Add Problem':
What’s Happening Here:
We’ve added an event handler for the "Add Problem" button.
When the button is clicked, we call
to update the guide.
Entering New Problem
New Problem Added Successfully
Step 4: Test Your App’s New Flexibility!
You’ve just added the ability for users to dynamically add new problems and solutions! 🎉
List of Problems
Selecting New Problem
Suggested Steps for New Problem
Here’s what you can do next:
Try adding a new problem: Enter a common issue, like “Screen not displaying” with a few solutions (“Check power connection”, “Restart monitor”).
Add more solutions to existing problems: You can also modify the code to allow users to append solutions to an existing problem.
The Full Code:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
# Define the tech problems and their solutions
troubleshooting_guide = {
'Computer Running Slow': [
'Close unnecessary background apps',
'Restart your computer',
'Clear temporary files and cache',
'Check for software updates'
'Wi-Fi Connection Issues': [
'Restart your modem and router',
'Check if you are connected to the correct Wi-Fi network',
'Move closer to the router',
'Reset your network settings'
'Smartphone Not Charging': [
'Try a different charging cable or adapter',
'Clean the charging port carefully',
'Restart your smartphone',
'Check the charging settings or try a different power source'
# GUI Layout
layout = [
[sg.Text('Select a Tech Problem:')],
[sg.Listbox(values=list(troubleshooting_guide.keys()), size=(30, 6), key='-PROBLEM-', enable_events=True)],
[sg.Text('Suggested Steps:'), sg.Text('', key='-SOLUTION-')],
[sg.Button('Next Step'), sg.Button('Restart'), sg.Button('Exit')],
[sg.Text('Add New Problem Below')],
[sg.InputText('Problem Name', key='-NEW_PROBLEM-')],
[sg.Multiline('Enter solutions here, one per line', size=(30, 6), key='-NEW_SOLUTIONS-')],
[sg.Button('Add Problem')]
# Create the window
window = sg.Window('Tech Troubleshooting Helper', layout)
# Troubleshooting logic
def troubleshoot(problem):
solutions = troubleshooting_guide[problem]
current_step = 0
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event 'Exit':
if event == '-PROBLEM-':
problem = values['-PROBLEM-'][0]
current_step = 0
solutions = troubleshooting_guide[problem]
if event == 'Next Step':
current_step += 1
if current_step < len(solutions):
window['-SOLUTION-'].update('No more steps. Problem solved?')
if event == 'Restart':
current_step = 0
if event == 'Add Problem':
def add_new_problem(values):
new_problem = values['-NEW_PROBLEM-']
new_solutions = values['-NEW_SOLUTIONS-'].split('\n')
if new_problem and new_solutions:
troubleshooting_guide[new_problem] = new_solutions
sg.popup(f'Problem "{new_problem}" added successfully!')
# Start troubleshooting
troubleshoot('Computer Running Slow')
Download full code below:
Coding with a Smile 🤣 😂
Pip Party:
Installing packages with pip feels like throwing a party and inviting only the coolest libraries.
You get to decide who’s on the guest list, and it’s always a great time.
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What’s Next? 📅🚀
Your Tech Troubleshooting Helper is now more flexible and user-friendly!
In the next post, we’ll explore how to save and load the troubleshooting guide so users don’t lose their custom problems and solutions when they close the app.
Stay tuned, and happy troubleshooting!
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Stay tuned for our next exciting project in the following edition!
Happy coding!🚀📊✨
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