Kickstart Your Data Analytics Journey

Python Data Analytics Made Fun and Easy

Visualisation with Python

A Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


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Welcome to the exciting world of data analytics! If you’re new to Python and eager to learn how to analyze data, you’re in the right place. This blog post will introduce you to basic data analytics using Python, with fun and interesting real-life examples. Let’s get started!


What You Will Learn


  • Introduction to Data Analytics: Understand what data analytics is and why it’s useful.

  • Setting Up Python: Learn how to set up Python and install necessary libraries.

  • Basic Data Structures: Get familiar with lists and dictionaries.

  • Using Pandas for Data Analysis: Learn how to use the Pandas library for basic data analysis.

  • Real-Life Examples: Explore practical examples to solidify your understanding.


Step 1: Introduction to Data Analytics

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics involves examining datasets to draw conclusions about the information they contain. It helps businesses make informed decisions, predict trends, and improve performance.


Why Use Python for Data Analytics?

Python is a powerful and easy-to-learn programming language. It has a rich ecosystem of libraries like Pandas and NumPy, which make data analysis straightforward and efficient.


Step 2: Setting Up Python

Before we start analyzing data, let’s set up Python on your computer.


  1. Install Python: Download and install Python from the official website here.

  2. Install Pandas: Open your command prompt or terminal and type:

 pip install pandas


Step 3: Basic Data Structures


Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. They are ordered and changeable.


Example: Favorite Fruits List


# Creating a list of favorite fruits

favorite_fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", “Durian”]




  • favorite_fruits: This variable is a list that contains three strings: "Apple", "Banana", and "Cherry".

  • print(favorite_fruits): This line prints the list of fruits.



Dictionaries store data in key-value pairs. They are unordered and changeable.


Example: Student Scores Dictionary


# Creating a dictionary of student scores

student_scores = {"Alice": 85, "Bob": 90, "Charlie": 78}




  • student_scores: This variable is a dictionary where the keys are student names and the values are their scores.

  • print(student_scores): This line prints the dictionary of student scores.


Step 4: Using Pandas for Data Analysis

Pandas is a powerful library for data analysis. It allows you to manipulate and analyze data easily.


What is a DataFrame?

A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types. It’s similar to a table in a database or an Excel spreadsheet. Each column in a DataFrame can be a different data type (e.g., integer, float, string).


Loading Data

You can load data from various sources like CSV files. For this example, we’ll create a simple DataFrame.


Example: Creating a DataFrame


import pandas as pd


# Creating a DataFrame

data = {

    "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],

    "Age": [24, 27, 22],

    "Score": [85, 90, 78]


df = pd.DataFrame(data)




  • import pandas as pd: Imports the Pandas library and gives it the alias pd.

  • data: A dictionary containing lists of names, ages, and scores.

  • pd.DataFrame(data): Converts the dictionary into a DataFrame.

  • print(df): Prints the DataFrame, which looks like this:

Output of DataFrame

Analyzing Data

Let’s perform some basic data analysis.


Example: Calculating Average Score


# Calculating the average score

average_score = df["Score"].mean()

print(f"The average score is {average_score}.")



  • df["Score"]: Accesses the 'Score' column of the DataFrame.

  • mean(): Calculates the mean (average) of the values in the 'Score' column.

  • print(f"The average score is {average_score}."): Prints the average score.

Visualizing Data

Visualizing data helps in understanding it better. We’ll use Matplotlib for creating simple charts.


Example: Bar Chart of Scores


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# Creating a bar chart of scores["Name"], df["Score"])



plt.title("Student Scores")



  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt: Imports the Matplotlib library for plotting.

  •["Name"], df["Score"]): Creates a bar chart with names on the x-axis and scores on the y-axis.

  • plt.xlabel("Name"): Labels the x-axis as "Name".

  • plt.ylabel("Score"): Labels the y-axis as "Score".

  • plt.title("Student Scores"): Sets the title of the chart to "Student Scores".

  • Displays the chart.



The bar chart will look like this:

Bar Chart

Step 5: Real-Life Example

Example: Analyzing Sales Data

Imagine you have sales data for a small store and you want to analyze it to understand trends and performance.


Step 1: Create the DataFrame


# Creating a DataFrame for sales data

sales_data = {

    "Month": ["January", "February", "March", "April"],

    "Sales": [2500, 2700, 3000, 3100]


sales_df = pd.DataFrame(sales_data)




  • sales_data: A dictionary containing lists of months and sales figures.

  • pd.DataFrame(sales_data): Converts the dictionary into a DataFrame.

  • print(sales_df): Prints the DataFrame.


Step 2: Calculate Total Sales


# Calculating total sales

total_sales = sales_df["Sales"].sum()

print(f"Total sales: ${total_sales}")



  • sales_df["Sales"]: Accesses the 'Sales' column of the DataFrame.

  • sum(): Calculates the sum of the values in the 'Sales' column.

  • print(f"Total sales: ${total_sales}"): Prints the total sales.


Step 3: Visualize Sales Trend


# Creating a line chart for sales trend

plt.plot(sales_df["Month"], sales_df["Sales"], marker='o')



plt.title("Sales Trend Over Months")



  • plt.plot(sales_df["Month"], sales_df["Sales"], marker='o'): Creates a line chart with months on the x-axis and sales on the y-axis, with a marker for each data point.

  • plt.xlabel("Month"): Labels the x-axis as "Month".

  • plt.ylabel("Sales"): Labels the y-axis as "Sales".

  • plt.title("Sales Trend Over Months"): Sets the title of the chart to "Sales Trend Over Months".

  • Displays the chart.



The line chart will look like this:

Line Chart



Congratulations! You’ve taken your first steps into the world of data analytics with Python. You learned about basic data structures, how to use Pandas for data analysis, and even created some visualizations. Keep practicing with different datasets to become more proficient.


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