Revamp Your Olympics Leaderboard with Style! 🎨✨

Customise the Appearance of Your Olympics Leaderboard with PySimpleGUI Themes! 🎨✨

Welcome back, CodeCrafters!

In our previous post, we created an interactive Olympics leaderboard using PySimpleGUI.

Now, let's take it to the next level by customising the appearance of our leaderboard with PySimpleGUI themes.

Making your app visually appealing can greatly enhance user experience, and it’s super easy to do with PySimpleGUI.

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

Ensure you have PySimpleGUI installed. If you haven’t installed it yet, use the following command:

pip install pysimplegui


Step 2: Explore PySimpleGUI Themes

PySimpleGUI comes with a variety of pre-defined themes that you can use to change the look and feel of your app. To see the available themes, you can use the following code snippet:

import PySimpleGUI as sg




This will open a window displaying all the available themes. Pick a theme you like for your leaderboard.


Step 3: Apply a Theme to Your App

Let’s apply a theme to our Olympics leaderboard. For this example, we’ll use the 'DarkTeal9' theme, but feel free to choose any theme you prefer.


import PySimpleGUI as sg


# Set the theme



layout = [

    [sg.Text('Olympics Leaderboard', font=('Helvetica', 16))],



        headings=['Country', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'],








    [sg.Text('Country:'), sg.InputText(key='-COUNTRY-')],

    [sg.Text('Gold:'), sg.InputText(key='-GOLD-')],

    [sg.Text('Silver:'), sg.InputText(key='-SILVER-')],

    [sg.Text('Bronze:'), sg.InputText(key='-BRONZE-')],

    [sg.Button('Add/Update'), sg.Button('Exit')]



window = sg.Window('Olympics Leaderboard', layout)


leaderboard = {}


while True:

    event, values =


    if event sg.WIN_CLOSED or event 'Exit':



    if event == 'Add/Update':

        country = values['-COUNTRY-']

        gold = int(values['-GOLD-'])

        silver = int(values['-SILVER-'])

        bronze = int(values['-BRONZE-'])


        if country:

            leaderboard[country] = [gold, silver, bronze]

            data = [[country] + leaderboard[country] for country in leaderboard]





Step 4: Customize the Theme

You can further customize the theme by changing specific elements. For example, you can set custom colors for buttons, text, and other elements.




# Customize specific elements

sg.set_options(button_color=('white', 'blue'), text_color='yellow')


layout = [

    [sg.Text('Olympics Leaderboard', font=('Helvetica', 16))],



        headings=['Country', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'],








    [sg.Text('Country:'), sg.InputText(key='-COUNTRY-')],

    [sg.Text('Gold:'), sg.InputText(key='-GOLD-')],

    [sg.Text('Silver:'), sg.InputText(key='-SILVER-')],

    [sg.Text('Bronze:'), sg.InputText(key='-BRONZE-')],

    [sg.Button('Add/Update'), sg.Button('Exit')]



window = sg.Window('Olympics Leaderboard', layout)


leaderboard = {}


while True:

    event, values =


    if event sg.WIN_CLOSED or event 'Exit':



    if event == 'Add/Update':

        country = values['-COUNTRY-']

        gold = int(values['-GOLD-'])

        silver = int(values['-SILVER-'])

        bronze = int(values['-BRONZE-'])


        if country:

            leaderboard[country] = [gold, silver, bronze]

            data = [[country] + leaderboard[country] for country in leaderboard]





Let’s Sum it Up!

In this post, you’ve learned how to customize the appearance of your Olympics Leaderboard using PySimpleGUI 🎨🏅.

We explored various options to enhance the visual appeal of your leaderboard, such as adjusting the layout, colors, fonts, and overall design to make your app both functional and attractive ✨.

By personalizing the look and feel of your leaderboard, you not only made it more engaging for users but also gained valuable skills in UI/UX design within PySimpleGUI 💻🎉.

This post empowered you to take control of your app’s aesthetics, making it stand out while keeping it user-friendly.

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What’s Next? 📅

In the next post, we'll dive into the essential skills of reading and writing data to a CSV file. By mastering these techniques, you'll be able to effortlessly load your leaderboard from a file and save updates with ease, making your app more dynamic and practical. This functionality not only enhances user experience but also ensures your data is always up-to-date and accessible. Get ready to take your PySimpleGUI skills to the next level!

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